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Simar­jot Singh Judge (Sim) qual­i­fied at one of the country’s largest civ­il prac­tices. He has since built up a con­sul­tan­cy while work­ing in and around the regions.

Sim’s cur­rent work encom­pass­es all facets of fam­i­ly law and includes mat­ters under s8 Chil­dren Act 1989, Divorce, Non-Molesta­tion Orders, Pro­hib­it­ed Steps Orders and Spe­cif­ic Issue Orders. Sim also has expe­ri­ence of finan­cial issues aris­ing out of the break­down of mar­riage and sub­se­quent appli­ca­tions to the court for redress. Sim is also an ardent advo­cate and even as a trainee under­took the major­i­ty of his own advo­ca­cy. As a trainee, Sim was involved in the firm’s first Dis­so­lu­tion of a Civ­il Part­ner­ship which made head­lines in var­i­ous online publications.

Sim’s excel­lent research skills and wide expo­sure to an array of fam­i­ly mat­ters makes him a pop­u­lar choice for prospec­tive clients. Sim always endeav­ours to set­tle mat­ters out­side of court but does not hes­i­tate in mak­ing appli­ca­tions to the court to secure court Orders in line with the instruc­tions of those instruct­ing him.

In his role as direc­tor of Judge Law he is tasked with grow­ing the firm and hav­ing over­all super­vi­sion of a high­ly qual­i­fied team of solic­i­tors and consultants.

In his spare time Sim acts as a men­tor for Aspir­ing Solic­i­tors who are com­mit­ted to increas­ing diver­si­ty in the legal pro­fes­sion. Sim also acts as a men­tor for the Uni­ver­si­ty of Law, where he stud­ied for his post­grad­u­ate degree. Fol­low­ing the suc­cess of his con­sul­tan­cy, Sim was invit­ed to host a legal advice show for Pan­jab Radio and reached a glob­al audience.