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  • Stage 1 – Taking initial instructions and completing the letter of claim – £500 plus VAT
  • Stage 2 – Actioning the debtor’s response.
    1. If the debtor does not engage at all.
    2. If the debtor accepts the existence of the debt but engages to negotiate payment terms
      • Our fees: £125 plus VAT.
      • There will be an additional £125 plus VAT for any further correspondence regarding the debtor’s proposals for settlement.
    3. If the debtor accepts the existence of the debt and wishes to pay immediately.
      • Our fee for this will be £75 plus VAT.
    4. If matters aren’t resolved by this stage then further action will be required as set out below.
  • Stage 3 – Drafting pleadings and issuing Court proceedings
      • Our fees are determined by the value of the claim and you will be responsible for paying the court fee which is set on a sliding scale in line with the value of the claim.
Value of debt and interest Our Fees Court Fees Set recoverable costs from the debtor
Up tp £300 £500.00+ VAT £35.00 £50.00
£300.01-£500 £500.00+ VAT £50.00 £50.00
£500.01-£1,000 £500.00+ VAT £70.00 £70.00
£1,000.01-£1,500.00 £500.00+ VAT £80.00 £80.00
£1,500.01-£3,000.00 £500.00+ VAT  £115.00 £80.00
£3,000.01-£5,000.00 £500.00+ VAT £205.00 £80.00
£5,000.01-£10,000.00 £500.00+ VAT £455.00 £100.00
£10,000.00-£100,000.00 £850.00+ VAT 5% of the value of the claim £100.00
  • Stage 4 – Requesting County Court Judgment
    1. Once proceedings have been issued and in the event the debtor files an Acknowledgement of Service.
      • Please see the below table for our costs.
    1. In the event the debtor files a Defence
      • This work will be conducted at the hourly rate of the fee-earner with conduct of your matter which will be communicated to you in advance.
    2. If the debtor files an Admission or Part Admission
      • Please see below which also takes into account the recoverable legal costs which can be added to the debt owed to you.
Debt + interest Our fee Recoverable legal costs
Up to £5,000 1.     £35.00 plus VAT on seeking judgment following the defendant failing to acknowledge service £22.00
2.     £40.00 plus VAT on seeking judgment following the defendant failing to file a defence £25.00
Over £5,000 1.     £45.00 plus VAT on seeking judgment following the defendant failing to acknowledge service £30.00
2.     £50.00 plus VAT on seeking judgment following the debtor failing to file a defence £35.00


  • Statutory demand

Our cost for preparing a statutory demand will be as follows:

Value of debt Our fees
£750-£49,999.99 £1,500 plus VAT
£50,000.01-£100,000 £2,000.00 plus VAT

The statutory demand must be brought to the debtor’s attention and you are obliged to use all reasonable endeavours to do so. This includes (where possible) serving it on them personally. As a result, recommend that the statutory demand is served using a process server at a cost of approximately £100–150+VAT. This estimate is based on service being effected at the first time of asking. The fee will be more if service is to be attempted more than once.

  • Issuing a winding up petition

Our fixed fee for drafting, filing and serving a winding up petition is as follows:

Value of debt Our fees
£750-£49,999.99 £1,500 plus VAT
£50,000.01-£100,000 £2,000.00 plus VAT

Additionally you would be required to pay the following costs and disbursements:

–  £280 – Court fee;

–  £1,600 – Official Receiver’s deposit.

–  £20.00 + VAT – Search Fees

–  £84.60 – London Gazette advertising fee

–  £100 – £150 + VAT – Process Server’s fee

–  £300 – £600 + VAT – for counsel’s fees per hearing


  • Issuing and obtaining a bankruptcy petition

Our fixed fees for drafting, filing and serving a bankruptcy petition are as follows:

Value of debt Our fees
£5000.00-£49,999.99 £1,500 plus VAT
£50,000.01-£100,000 £2,000.00 plus VAT

Additionally you would be required to pay the following costs and disbursements:

–  £280 – Court fee;

–  £990 – Official Receiver’s fee

–  £20.00 + VAT – Search Fees

–  £100 – £150 + VAT – Process Server’s fee

–  £300 – £600 + VAT – for counsel’s fees per hearing


  • Freehold between £250k and £1m — between £1200 to £1750 plus vat.
  • Leasehold between £250k and £1m:  between £1600 to £2100 plus vat.
  • Bank Transfer fee — £30 plus vat.

Please contact us for a quote for sales and purchases of properties over £1m.


  • Freehold between £250k and £1m — between £1200 to £1750 plus vat.
  • Leasehold between £250k and £1m:  between £1600 to £2100 plus vat.
  • Bank Transfer fee — £30 plus vat.
  • Retention fee — £200 plus vat.
  • Searches (VAT is added to the search costs):
    • Environmental search – £94 approx.
    • Chancel check – £24 approx.
    • Chancel indemnity (if required) — £12 approx.
    • Local Authority search (direct with Local Authority) – £200 approx.
    • Drainage search – £61 approx.
    • Plan Search – £30.
    • Lawyer checker to verify the other law firm’s bank account – £12.
    • Company Report (if the Buying entity is a company) — £15 approx.
  • If obtaining a mortgage:
    • Fees for acting for the mortgage lender — minimum of £250 plus vat.
    • If the mortgage lender instructs another solicitor and additional fee will be charged starting at £250 plus vat.
  • Help to buy — £500 plus vat.

Please contact us for a quote for sales and purchases of properties over £1m.


  • Freehold up to £1m –£750 plus VAT.
  • Leasehold up to £1m — £900 plus VAT
  • Equity Release Schemes for those over 55 year of age — £950 plus VAT.
  • Bank Transfer fee — £30


Initial Advice

We offer employee clients initial written advice on a fixed fee basis:

  • £300 plus VAT – Wrongful dismissal claim
  • £500 plus VAT – Unfair dismissal claim

The above fees are on the proviso that Employment Tribunal proceedings have not been issued.

Fixed Costs

Other than the “initial advice” letter detailed above, we may undertake other fixed fee work on an “ad hoc” basis. This is normally when an employee decides to represent him/herself in the Tribunal proceedings but seek our assistance to:

  • Draft claim form and particulars of claim – Fixed cost of either £600 or £850 plus VAT – Limited to 4 hours’ drafting (not including reading and prior instructions)
  • Prepare Schedule of Loss – Fixed cost of either £350 or £500 plus VAT
  • Prepare List of Documents – Fixed cost of either £350 or £600 plus VAT – Limited to 650 pages of documents
  • Draft a witness statement – Fixed cost of either £850 or £1,350 plus VAT – Limited to 6 hours work


The below ranges are based upon the hourly rates of the solicitors that are likely to be acting for new clients which range from £150 – £350 plus VAT per hour and the number of hours it is likely to take to prepare for and complete key stages of the tribunal process, depending on the complexity.

  • Wrongful Dismissal
    1. Simple case: £3,000-£6,000 plus VAT and disbursements
    2. Complex case: £4,500-£8,500 plus VAT and disbursements
  • o   Unfair Dismissal
    1. Simple case: £12,000 – £25,000 plus VAT and disbursement
    2. Medium case: £25,000 – £45,000 plus VAT and disbursements
    3. Complex case: £45,000 to £60,000 plus VAT and disbursements

Please note all fees indicated above assume the claim will be heard in a local (reasonable travel distance) venue and do not include work beyond final hearing in the Employment Tribunal.



Disbursements are costs related to an employer’s matter that are payable to third parties, such as Counsel’s fees.

Counsel’s fees will depend on the experience of the barrister instructed and amount of work they have to do.  A less experienced barrister may charge in the region of £1,000 to £1,500 per day whereas a more experienced barrister may charge £2,000 per day and above.

These figures are exclusive of VAT.


British Citizenship and Naturalisation — £2,400 – £6,000

Tier 1 Visa Applications (Extension and ILR):

  • Entrepreneurs — £6,000 – £9,000 (depending on complexity)
  • Exceptional Talent/Promise — £3,600 – £6,000
  • Investors — £4,800 – £7,200

Tier 2 Visa Applications:

  • Intra-Company Transfer
      1. In-country — £3,000 – £4,200
      2. Outside UK — £2,400 – £3,600
  • o   General
    1. new hires – RLMT — £3,840 – £6,000
    2. change of employment – RLMT — £3,840 – £6,000
    3. new hires – high earner — £3,000 – £3,600
      1. In-country — £600+
      2. Outside UK — Same as above

Tier 5 Visa Applications

  • Government Authorised Exchange — £1,800 (intern/BUNAC/GTI)
  • Creative — £2,400 – £3,000
  • Youth Mobility Scheme — £1,800 – £2,400

Sponsor Licences

  • Tier 2 or 5 sponsor licence applications — £2,400 – £4,800
  • Tier 2 or 5 sponsor licence renewal — £1,200 – £4,800


European Free Movement Applications

  • EEA nationals — £1,020 – £1,800
  • EEA Family Permit — £1,020 – £1,800 (unmarried partner)
  • EEA Registration Certificate — £1,020 – £1,800
  • EEA Residence Card — £2,400 – £4,800
  • EEA Permanent Residence Card — £2,400 – £3,600 (self-employed)


Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR)

  • Tier 2 ILR
    1. £2,400 – £3,600 (employment)
    2. £3,600 – £4,800 + (excess absences)
  • Settlement – ILR
    1. £3,600 (employment)
    2. £4,800 (self-employed)
  • ILR — £3,600 – £4,800

UK ancestry — £2,400 – £3,600


We can fulfil a Grant only service which is based on an hourly rate starting at £250.00 per hour plus VAT.

Full administration – Our charges are based on the Law Society formula, which provides a value element of 1% of liquid assets, 0.5% of property value and, with an hourly rate starting at £250 plus VAT per hour. Where this firm has been appointed as executors the value element applied is 1% of property value and 2% of liquid assets, with an hourly rate starting at £250 plus VAT per hour.

Fees for this type of work usually start from £5500.00 plus VAT.

Disbursements not included in the fee:

  • £5-£7 swearing of the Oath (per administrator/ executor).
  • Bankruptcy only Land Charges department searches (£2 per beneficiary).
  • Post in the London Gazette (£84.60) – protects against unexpected claims from unknown creditors
  • Probate application fee of £155.00
  • Certainty Will search (£114) to ensure no Will exists or no later Will exists